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New cat care guide:
TNR Posters + Signs for Colony Caretakers (Arizona + Maricopa County)
Cat Management Poster
Warning Poster
These posters can be helpful to put up at colonies that are experiencing difficulties with neighbors or vandalism. FTLC advises to always negotiate and meet with any neighbors (residential or business) to ensure everyone is on-board with the TNR program. If you are feeding and TNR-ing on your own property, this tends to solve most issues. HOWEVER, it is often the case that TNR/colony cats are in commercial, residential, or public property not owned by the caregivers. This means negotiation is almost always necessary. Please remember that if you are planning to TNR colonies on property that is NOT yours, you need to get permission! This prevents future risks from happening that could jeopardize the colony.
Most people are unfamiliar with TNR are just think you are "feeding the strays" -- that's why education is so important! You have to frame what you are doing effectively -- "Cat Population Management." People are much more inclined to help and appreciate what you are doing if you educate them and let them know you are working to reduce the free-roaming cat population.
Without taking the time to educate (and, of course, gain permission if feeding/trapping on property that is NOT yours), problems can arise and cause difficulties for the cats. We have to advocate for the cats! While it can be frustrating to deal with people who are angry about the cats or frustrated with their behaviors, please choose grace and do your best to advocate respectfully. You can do it!
Please remember that the laws regarding cats are foggy, meaning there is not necessarily a "clear-cut" understanding of what protection these cats have. FTLC's understanding is that cats -- feral, outdoor, or otherwise -- are protected under the same animal cruelty laws as dogs.
Disclaimer: these posters are NOT legal advice and are intended for educational and informational use only.